Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Production & Consumption

Dr. Cohen sent me a link to a site that is all about 2008 being the International Year of the Potato! Exciting. I found these maps and charts and thought they were pretty interesting. In 2006, the USA was the 4th leading potato producer. North America was 5th for production in 2006 and also 5th for consumption in 2005. I will be posting more about what I find on this website, and if you want to look on your own the site is http://www.potato2008.org/en/index.html

World potato production, 1990-2006

1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
Countriesmillion tonnes
Developed 195.22 184.64 168.69 193.59 169.25 182.04 163.58 171.79 155.25
Developing 84.09 93.44 102.38 117.71 131.41 146.51 152.41 157.77 159.12
WORLD 279.32 278.09 271.07 311.31 300.67 328.55 315.98 329.56 314.37

The world potato sector is undergoing major changes. Until the early 1990s, most potatoes were grown and consumed in Europe, North America and countries of the former Soviet Union. Since then, there has been a dramatic increase in potato production and demand in Asia, Africa and Latin America, where output rose from less than 30 million tonnes in the early 1960s to almost 120 million tonnes by the mid-1990s. FAO data shows that in 2005, for the first time, the developing world's potato production - some 162 million tonnes - exceeded that of the developed world (156 million tonnes). China is now the biggest potato producer, and almost a third of all potatoes is harvested in China and India.

Top potato producers, 2006

Quantity (t)
Kg per capita
1. China70 338 0001. Belarus835.6
2. Russian Fed.38 572 6402. Netherlands415.1
3. India23 910 0003. Ukraine414.8
4. USA19 712 6304. Denmark291.1
5. Ukraine19 467 0005. Latvia286.0
6. Germany10 030 6006. Poland271.5
7. Poland8 981 9767. Belgium267.4
8. Belarus8 329 4128. Lithuania261.2
9. Netherlands6 500 0009. Russian Fed.259.0
10. France6 354 33310. Kyrgyzstan219.4
North America

Potato production, by region, 2006

Harvested area Quantity Yield
Africa1 499 68716 420 72910.95
Asia/Oceania 9 143 495131 286 18114.36
Europe7 348 420126 332 49217.19
Latin America951 97415 627 53016.42
North America608 13124 708 60340.63
WORLD19 551 707314 375 53516.08

Asia and Europe are the world's major potato producing regions, accounting for more than 80 percent of world production in 2006. While harvests in Africa and Latin America were far smaller, production was at record levels. North America was the clear leader in yields, at more than 40 tonnes per hectare.

North America
(per capita)

Potato consumption, by region, 2005


Total food (t)kg per capita
Africa905 937 00012 850 00014.18
Asia/Oceania 3 938 469 000101 756 00025.83
Europe739 276 000 71 087 00096.15
Latin America561 344 00013 280 00023.65
North America330 608 00019 156 00057.94
WORLD6 475 634 000218 129 00033.68

Asia consumes almost half of the world's potato supply, but its huge population means that consumption per person was a modest 25 kg in 2005. The heartiest potato eaters are Europeans. Per capita consumption is lowest, but increasing, in Africa and Latin America.

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